
pastel stripes and flowers

hello nail art addicts

some days ago we posted a picture of beautiful pastel stripes and flower nails. the nerd already showed you how flowers are done and a way to make some cute nails with flowers. today i tried myself on those pastel ones. i think they turned out pretty cool and i'll show you today how they're done.

first a list of what i used:

- essence top coat - that i use as base coat, cause in the end it's the same :)
- light rose, dark rose (the one that looks orange here, sorry about that) and a light green by claire's
- essence nail art pen in green and pink
- white by mny

ok. so after you applied the base coat, you put the background for the later design on. thumb, middle finger and the pinky are in light green, index finger and ring finger in light rose. the essence colours are pretty covering but maybe you'll need to add a second layer, depending on what brand you use. 

when everything's dry, we can start with the petals of the flowers. i used the dark rose first. just make 3 little dots, which are 3 out of 5 petals. don't worry if they're not even or something, later no one will notice that, because the nails just look too AWESOME ;)

afterwards you take the light rose and make two further dots. i put them a bit over the dark ones, like the pansy has it. 

then you should let those drops dry a bit. i made them with a very thin brush, but of course you can also make them with something else. i have pretty small nails, so i needed something for making very small dots. 
the next step, while letting them dry, we go to the light rose painted nails and do the white stripes. i used an old eye liner brush (just wash it out completely before using. you don't want any black on it, especially not when using white afterwards). just make vertical lines in white. they won't be completely straight unless you have super still hands ;) don't worry about that. as you can see i also made a white dot in the middle of the little flower, as i was already using the white polish. 

now's the time where you really need to let them dry, as you don't want to smudge what you already have. i let it dry about 15 minutes. 

afterwards i took the essence nail art pen in green and pink. with the pink one i made two little dots next to the white one, to give the flower a bit more depth and real look. with the green pen i made some leaves coming out of the flower. i added them randomly, sometimes two sometimes three. it doesn't matter, just do it however you like it the best.

okidoki, now you're done! :D my endproduct looked like this

i really like them and even though it's not exactly the same as in the pic we posted some days ago, they are incredibly cute. 

i hope you enjoyed the tutorial. if you try them, let us see your pics! we'd love to have some feedback.
xoxo, the beauty

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